3D Printed Iron Throne
If you are a “Game of Thrones” fan, you should definitely get yourself 3D Printed Iron Throne.
It looks realistic and people also use it as phone holder, what is a great idea. This is updated project with a flat bottom. It’s nice, so every “Game of Thrones” fan will be pleased having this small iron throne on the desk. Our project looks like the real one. Almost every details has been preserved and polished up, what makes good impression.
Our 3D Printed Iron Throne from “Game of Thrones” is 10 cm high and 6 cm wide. This gadget may also add charm while watching the newest season of “Game of Thrones”. If you really like “Game of Thrones” series, you should also check out other “Game of Thrones” artifacts done with 3D Printing technology, witch we have uploaded.
We used clear PLA to print this Iron Throne, but you can also use ABS material to print this throne.
If you’re going to do this with ABS you have to take care, because it’s possible to delaminate things made with 3D Printer using ABS material. How can you see, we have also painted our 3D Printed Iron Throne with acrylic silver spray paint and finished it with colorless paint just to protect our 3D Printed Iron Throne. We would love to see your own ideas of coloring your 3D Printed Iron Throne in comments below. In future we are going to add some more projects to download from “Game of Thrones”, so stay tuned. It will be things like keychain with “Game of Thrones” logo, dragon, dragons egg or crown, which Joffrey wears in series
Also check our project of 3D Printed Cup Holder, you will find it here.
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